
Trip to Nigata and Tokyo 2009

 My wife and I went to Nigata prefecture, my father's homeland for 7th anniversary of my grandfather's death. Though I often went there, for my wife, it was her first visit there. The trip was meaningful for me to introduce her to many relatives. After that my parents and we went to Tokyo, to enjoy dinner and see around Ginza. When I was more young, I prefer to walk around Tokyo actively, but now I prefer to stay in a hotel or enjoy tea or coffee in a cafe seeing a variety of people on streets.
Top pic is a Japanese style garden in Shinagawa, middle one is when waiting Shinkansen arriving in platform, and the below is Zen-shu shrine in Nigata named "Jiko-Ji"


Farewell Soba Dinner

Yesterday, we went to Soba shop to say goodbye to Vicky who has been a student from Canada using a exchange program between Alberta Canada and Hokkaido Japan.She was seriously took almost every classes she could take, and enjoy their school and home life in Japan. Through the experience as a teacher in charge of the program, I was also be able to enjoy encountering her and family members where she stayed during her stay in this town. Also I was able to broaden my view to the diversity of countries outside Japan. And without Mai, my school's ALT, without her deep understanding and her cooperation, this program could not be that successful. Below is pictures of farewell soba dinner for Vicky.



 第10回のHELES(北海道英語教育学会)の記念学会が札幌で開かれたため出席してきました。最初からの出席はかなわなかったのですが、静哲人先生の講演には何とか間に合ってお話を初めて聞くことができました。非常に本質的な話をしていただき(本人はそれが当たり前と思っているようですが)、英語教師としてどこを目指すか明確な先生の姿勢に感銘を受けました。特に英語教師に必要な英語力として①発音②音読③生徒にRead&Look upさせられること④教材をparaphraseして示すことの4つを明示されたのは衝撃でした。All Englishが叫ばれるこのごろの英語教育ですが、「教師が英語を話すことが目的ではない。生徒が英語を話す・書くことが目的だ」と当たり前なのですが、どうしても勘違いしてしまいがちな部分をはっきりとお伝え頂いて、まさに目から鱗でした。いずれにしても、これからは教師の絶対的な英語力なくしていい授業はできないという非常にシビアでかつ本質的な時代が来ることをあらためて認識した講演でした。


