I finished reading a book titled "The Man from St. Petersburg." It was incredibly interesting, and I have involved in it until today. I began to read it since the principal of the school I work for recommended to me. The scene was in the beginning of 20th century, in London. The time and place was a bit too far for me, so at first it seemed difficult to be absorbed in the story. But that was mistake! The storytelling easily facilitated me to imagine the situation where the characters thought and talked with each other. Though I usually don't read Japanese books weekdays let alone paperbacks from countries outside Japan, I could not stop reading it after I came back from the workplace.
The tapestry of social things like politics, trade, and international relations just before the World War I and personal things like family, aristocratic society, and love affairs are beautifully woven. I could not help finding myself in the just-before-WW1 situation while reading it. Though the book has many adjectives maybe because English is British one, the story plot is clear, so non native reader like me can enjoy it a lot! It is highly recommended!