I attended two-day-training from 6th and 7th, January. First day was for general teaching, and second for English teaching. Key note speaker on the first day was Shinichi Fukuoka, the most famous biologist now in Japan. As I have longed for the speech by him, having read two books written by him, I was able to enjoy his speech. His speech was interesting and insightful as well as his book. His speech style was quiet and calm, but it had something that attracts almost all audience.
Second day's speaker was Shigeru Matsumoto, who is also one of the most influential English educator in Japan. His speech was really clear to explain on next generation of English education. I was of course encouraged by his speech to implement more effective teaching to students who would undergo global competitive world using English. Surprisingly, such big name English educator seem to say similar (almost the same) thing about what we should do toward future English teaching. The school I am now working seems to be in line with the trend.
As a member of English teacher in the school and Hokkaido, and as one teacher standing very close to students, I would like to do my best this year.
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