When I was down, or get lost in my life, I tend to read a self-help book. Ideally, business-related self-help book is the best for me, because it gives me both overall guidance on which way I should go and practical skills about how I should behave in my workplace and home. The book I read lately was Yukio Funai's book. Though I know his name bacause of lots of books he wrote about business things, I didn't feel like reading his book. It is maybe because his latest books are about a bit strange things like UFO, prediction, messages from space, and the like. But the book I bought several days ago was about more simple stuff like "how to be happy." Soon after I decided to take it, I could not stop reading it. It was amazingly comfortable to read and contained thought-provoking sentences. It took only a few hours to finish it.
Since then, I somehow feel positive on how I should live from now on. A self-help book often give me several suggestions. Do you think I am naive to be influenced by that kind of books so easily? But anyway, that kind of books help a lot for me. It anyway works!
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